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Glider Flight Instructor (Add On Rating) Test Information

Lesson Plan: You will need to prepare a lesson plan on a maneuver to be taught both on the ground and in flight. Your lesson plan will be assigned when you schedule your test. This changes each test.

Examiner Weight: 165 Pounds

Baggage Weight: Whatever you normally keep in the aircraft.

Test Fee: Please refer to the Rates page for current test fee information.

Scheduling and Weather Policy: Please refer to the Scheduling page for details.

Required Endorsements:

Please refer to the current edition of advisory circular 61-65.  At the time of writing, 61-65H is current.  You will need the following endorsements in order to take your CFI practical test.  Please have your instructor review your logbook to ensure that these endorsements are complete and current.  Missing endorsements may prevent your test from being completed on schedule.  Other endorsements may apply, but at the minimum we will need the following:

-A.1 Prerequisites for Practical Test (61.39)

-A.2 Review of deficiencies on Knowledge Test (61.39)

-A.42 Flight Instructor aeronautical knowledge test (61.183g)

-A.45 Spin Training (61.183 i1)

-A.65 Completion of a flight review (61.56) (Yes, you need a current flight review in order to take this test.  If you have a previous checkride you're using to meet 61.56, bring that logbook with you so I can verify it, please.)

-A.73 Retesting after failure of a practical or knowledge test (61.49) (NOTE: Only required for a retest)

Required Documents:

Please ensure that you have ALL of the following documents, in addition to the required endorsements listed above.  If you're missing documents or paperwork, I won't be able to conduct your test and we'll need to reschedule for another day.  That's not fun for anyone.

-Completed application in IACRA

-Please have your IACRA login credentials readily accessible.

-Paper copy of the 8710-1 printed from IACRA after CFI signature.  (Please use the "View/Print PDF" button, not the "Print" button.)

-Knowledge test results

-Pilot logbook with all pages totaled

-Record of ground instruction received (This is missing all the time.  I can't do the test without it.  You're paying your CFI to give you ground training, make them log it for you!)

-Government issued photo Identification.  Passport, US driver's license, Military ID, etc.  Foreign Driver Licenses are not acceptable.

-Pilot certificate

-All aircraft documentation (ARROW, as applicable)

-All aircraft maintenance records (AV1ATES, as applicable. Please confirm any pertinent AD compliance!)

-Lesson plan for assigned maneuver

Test Advice:

-Go through the maintenance records well in advance of the test date. Verify that all the inspections are up to date, ESPECIALLY the airworthiness directives. Remember, 91.7 says that it is your responsibility as PIC to make sure the airplane is airworthy. While it is the owner's responsibility to keep it airworthy under 91.405, it is your job to make sure the owner is doing their job. Please review 91.417 carefully.  AD Compliance is a consistent issue. If they are not documented correctly, I can not and will not fly your airplane, which means your test is cancelled.  Blanket statements such as "All AD's are current" are not acceptable.  The FAA is very clear about the requirements. For further detail, you can read the Easter-Precision Letter.  Remember that recurring AD's need to have their next due date listed too.  This has been enough of an issue recently that I have adopted a no-show policy, and I will probably charge you a cancellation fee if your test can't be conducted as a result of information that, in reality, is part of the test.

-Please dress comfortably.  There's no need to "dress to impress."  Shorts are perfectly fine.

-Bring some snacks, or better yet, lunch.  This test is a long one.  We'll take some breaks during the test and you'll feel better with some food.  Trust me on this one.

-Read the manual.  Read the handbook.  Go find the source.  "My instructor said" is almost always the wrong answer on a CFI test.  Don't tell your student what the answer is, show them where to find it. Read the manual for your aircraft, especially the systems and performance sections. Things like fuel capacity should be memory items. Knowledge of assembly and disassembly procedures is expected, even for gliders that are normally stored assembled.  If we land off-airport, you will need this knowledge. You're the expert now.

-Take your time.  A lot of the mistakes I see during tests are simply the result of people rushing into things without thinking about what they're doing.  If you take an extra 10 minutes to finish the test, that's fine.  Watch the details.

General advice: Think like an instructor, and think like an examiner.  You're supposed to be teaching this stuff.  How would you present this material to someone who has never seen it before?  If you were sitting in my seat, what information would you want to see in order to be sure that the applicant knows their stuff?  Take the time to actually read the PTS and think about it from the CFI perspective.


Fundamentals of Instruction:  Because this is an add-on rating, we are not required to cover the FOI.  However, it is still fair game during the oral exam, and should not be ignored.  Remember to apply all the lessons and theories from the Aviation Instructors Handbook as you develop your syllabus, lesson plans, etc.  If it appears a further examination of the FOI is warranted during the oral exam, it is available for testing.


Technical Subject areas: I would suggest reviewing the PTS to get familiar with the required items.  Many people struggle with Task M, logbook endorsements.  Basically, you should be able to walk me through the training and paperwork process for a Private student, Commercial, etc.  Common problem areas in the technical subject areas is stuff like systems and airspace.  People don't go into enough detail.  For example, if they're talking about airspace, they can tell me about A/B/C/E/G airspace okay, but they can't really work through special use airspace.  Same thing with systems.  Most people have a general, high-level overview of how stuff works, but they don't really understand the details, which means they have a real hard time answering those "okay, but why?" kind of questions. Again, remember that you are now the expert that students call when they don't understand how something works.


Lesson Plan: For your test, you’ll be assigned a maneuver to prepare a lesson plan.  We need to be able to teach it effectively and hit all the required items from the PTS.  Remember that sometimes we need to discuss foundational knowledge or skills in order to have a conversation about the lesson at hand.  For example, say we're talking about Slips To A Landing.  Does that mean we need to talk about landing skills as well?  I'll leave that up to you and how you want to present the material.  Break it down into simple terms and remember to use those FOI skills to build an effective presentation.  A student who has never even heard of this thing before should be able to understand it when you’re finished.  Reference the PTS and make sure we’ve covered all required elements of the task.


Flight Portion: Slack rope procedures and abnormal tow occurrences account for a disproportionate number of unsatisfactory tests.  It is expected that you are capable of maneuvering the glider in both high and low tow positions, teaching your student how to do it, and managing slack rope/out of position recoveries.  Things happen fast on tow, and it is our responsibility as the CFIG to make sure that our student has the tools they need to ensure safe flight.


Stalls: Be comfortable taking the glider all the way to the break in each stall, including the cross-controlled stall.  Remember, we're teaching someone else what the aircraft looks and feels like.  I see a lot of CFIs that are honestly afraid of full stalls.  They shouldn't be.  Here's a good exercise for you: Think about a cross-controlled stall.  If we spin, which way will it go?  Now, go try one in the glider, and let it get deep into the stall.  Now that you've seen it, why did that happen?  Explore it.  Go slow.  I don't want you to rush through the stalls, I want you to break it down and teach it to me.  Many flight instructors seem to be afraid of stalls.  That doesn't exactly inspire confidence in your student.


Text me and ask!  I'm here to help.  You can try calling me too, but I do spend a lot of time in airplanes and I'm not always available to answer.  A text message is the most reliable and preferred way to reach me.  You can also take a look at some of the frequently asked questions page.

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