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Schedule Procedures and Policies

Please contact me about two weeks prior to your desired test date.  In general, I do not accept reservations more than two weeks from the current date.  This helps ensure that my schedule is flexible enough to handle any cancellations or rescheduled tests due to weather, maintenance, retests, etc.  If you have not completed your course requirements, please do not schedule a test.  Wait until you have met all the basic requirements are are proficient enough to take a test, then contact me.

Tests are generally available Monday through Friday, starting at 8am and 1pm, unless otherwise arranged.  Tests are available within the Central Florida region, typically at ORL, X04 and LEE.  Travel to other airports is available on a case-by-case basis.  Travel fees may apply in this case.  If you would like to locate an examiner closer to your home base, the Orlando FSDO maintains a list of examiners here.

Cancellation Policy:

If you will be unable to make your scheduled time, please cancel your appointment no later than 48 hours prior to your scheduled start time.  Cancellations made within 48 hours of the scheduled start may incur a cancellation fee, as noted in Price List.  Items that may incur the fee include: test prerequisites not being met, aircraft ineligibility, training course not finished in time, etc.  There will never be a fee for inclement weather on the day of the appointment. 

No-Show Policy:

Applicants who no-show for a test, or who arrive with a problem that prevents the test from being completed, may incur a cancellation fee.  PLEASE review all of your logbooks, both pilot and maintenance, well in advance of the test.  Ask your instructor to review them with  you.  If you have a question, please contact me well in advance so that I may help guide you through it.  Compliance with airworthiness directives (ADs) is probably the most common issue.  I turn away an average of one person per week due to eligibility or aircraft records issues.  The night before the test should not be the first time you have reviewed the aircraft's maintenance records.  If I am unable to do my job because you have not done your job, presume that a cancellation charge will be incurred.

Test Completion Expectation:

It is expected that the test is able to be completed in one event.  If we know prior to starting the test that we will not be able to finish (e.g., inclement weather, insufficient daylight, broken aircraft) then we will reschedule the test for another date.  The FAA makes it clear to the DPEs that if we know we can not finish, then we should not start the test.  So, we can't just "get the oral out of the way" and then deliberately reschedule the flight portion.  As an example, if we are planning to do a private pilot test, and the weather forecast says that we will have IFR conditions for the entire day, then we will reschedule the entire test.  Additionally, the FAA requires that the oral exam must be satisfactorily completed before the flight portion of the test.  Unfortunately, we can't fly first, no matter what the TAF looks like.

Flight Delay Policy:

Tests are sometimes delayed due to weather or maintenance issues.  In general, I am willing to delay the test up to one hour to allow for the weather to improve or for maintenance issues to be corrected.  After one hour of delay, I will most likely discontinue the test and reschedule for a later date.  However, delays are not always available.  Please remember that I may have someone scheduled after you, and it isn't fair to delay their test just because yours is running late

Weather Policy:

It is your choice whether or not the weather is suitable to conduct the flight.  Your go or no-go decision is part of the test.  I will not tell you to fly, or not to fly.  "A superior pilot is one who demonstrates superior judgement to avoid situations requiring superior skill."  In general, I am willing to conduct instrument tests in actual instrument conditions.  This is subject to the equipment installed in the airplane, and I reserve the right to require the test be conducted in VMC.  

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