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SIC Type Ratings


Issuance of an SIC Type Rating is a simple process, but this certification process tends to be high-workload due to people not understanding the requirements of this process.  Please review this page carefully before making an appointment.  If you have any questions, please contact me ahead of time.  If your paperwork is not in order, I can not issue your SIC type rating.


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Required Experience

In order to be eligible for the SIC type rating, you must have received AND LOGGED at least three takeoffs and landings in your make and model of airplane.  That time must have a signature and certificate number from the instructor or training captain who conducted your training.

You must have recieved AND LOGGED ground training on the topics listed in 14 CFR 61.55, and this training must be signed by the instructor or training captain that conducted the training.

Required Documents

You must have recieved a logbook endorsement from your instructor or training captain that states: "[Applicant Name, Certificate Number] has demonstrated the skill and knowledge required for the safe operation of [Type Aircraft] relevant to the duties and responsibilites of a second in command."  This endorsement must be signed with the name and certificate number of the trainer.

If you are using an electronic training record, you must present a paper copy of your records. This isn't my rule, I don't want to deal with the paper either, but it's required by 61.55(d)(3).  

You must prepare and sign an 8710-1 application for the rating you seek. If you're not sure how to fill it out correctly, leave the question you're not sure of blank, and I'll help you with it.

The person who conducted your training must sign the "Instructor's Recommendation" section at the top of page 2 of the application.

You will need to bring your pilot certificate, medical certificate or BasicMed certificate, and a photo ID.

Finally, we must meet in person to complete the paperwork. The FAA does not permit type ratings to be issued remotely, or over video conference.

Example Paperwork

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